Thursday, April 25, 2013

Best Christian Books of All Time Reviews: Knowing God, Pt. II

A Recent Portrait of J.I. Packer
Over at InterVarsity's Emerging Scholars Blog I've put up Part II of my review series of J.I. Packer's Knowing God.  Click here to check it out.  Also, the comment thread develops one of the main points of the review.

"Jesus was God made man, born to die, always in full submission to the First Person of the Trinity and he became poor that we might become rich.  The incarnation–the Son of God emptying himself and becoming poor–meant:
a laying aside of glory…; a voluntary restraint of power; an acceptance of hardship; isolation, ill-treatment, malice and misunderstanding; finally, a death that involved such agony–spiritual even more than physical–that his mind nearly broke under the prospect of it…. It meant love to the uttermost for unlovely human beings, that they through his poverty might become rich. (63)"

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