Sunday, December 16, 2012

pondering evil

In 1999 guns were just as accessible as they are now. In the last thirteen years there have been 31 school shootings. There were no school massacres before that.

I don’t know why.
Gun laws have actually tightened up in that thirteen years.

I suppose it's because there are more broken, forgotten people with no sense of community or family. More people for whom Christmas means a time of remembered hurt and abuse, effected by those closest to them. More people who, due to the current lack of any viable ethic, wonder why they shouldn't kill, if they're going to commit suicide anyway.

At least that way, if they massacre a bunch of children, somebody will notice them; just this once, they will be remembered.  People who kill are often people in pain.  Children are just collections of slimy cells and synapses and chemical responses to environments.  Right?  That's what we learn in BIO101.

What do you think?  Is it the guns?  Is it the breakdown of community?  Is it the lack of real communal communication due to the rapid rise of texting, emailing, facebooking?  It must be something.  There have been 31 school shootings in thirteen years, and before that there weren't any.  Why?

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