Monday, January 27, 2014

Beauty and God

I took this photo last weekend on an icy morning at a retreat center in New Hampshire, on Lake Winnipesaukee. 
"Even when the world is at its worst, and when life is at its worst, there is still beauty left, and we should never forget it. It is not that to look at the beauty and to think about the beauty is an escape from reality--far from it. Any such glimpse of beauty should move us to three things.  
It should move us to the memory of God, the awareness that this is God's world, and that not even the sin and thoughtlessness and the selfishness of man can entirely obliterate the beauty of God.  
It should move us to gratitude, and to the realization that there is always something left for which we ought to give thanks.
It should move us to resolution and to action, so that, as far as we can, we may increase the beauty and remove the ugliness that is within this world." ~William Barclay

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