Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What Did Jesus Do? Videos from the Atonement Symposium.

Brian LePort at NearEmmaus has pointed me to these four videos of The Atonement Symposium at Fuller Theological Seminary.  These four individuals are renowned Bible scholars in both conservative and liberal circles, and the content of their writings and lectures has been and will continue to be incredibly influential among developing leaders in the Christian Church.  Scot McKnight, the speaker in the first video, authors one of the most visited blogs in the Christian "blogosphere," sometimes seeing over 100,000 hits per month.  His ideas are powerful.

Gospel and Atonement from Fuller Seminary on Vimeo.

Scot McKnight
Gospel and Atonement

Synopsis: Atonement theory emerges from a theology and for some it shapes the whole of theology. I propose that we learn to rethink “atonement” in the context of the Bible’s Story and not simply in terms of one theme — soteriology– of that Story. What happens to atonement theory when the driving Story is a Christology?

Cosmic Reconciliation from Fuller Seminary on Vimeo.

Cosmic Reconciliation
Daniel Kirk

Synopsis: Any viable theory of the atonement must indicate not only how Jesus takes care of the problem of a world in rebellion against God, but also how he enables the story of the world to arrive at its God-intended purpose. While drawing on the best of the Christus victor, penal substitution, and moral influence views, Cosmic Atonement draws unique attention to what each of them lack: the absolute necessity of Jesus’ humanity not merely to overcome human lack, but to fulfill the purposes for which God created people.

The Gospel in Seven Words from Fuller Seminary on Vimeo.

The Gospel In Seven Words
Leanne Van Dyk

Synopsis: Scripture gives us succinct summaries of the gospel, including this seven word summary from II Cor. 5:18, “God reconciled us to himself through Christ.” Short summaries have a wonderful way of focusing the mind and clarifying the central claims of the Christian faith. This lecture will examine some short gospel summaries, using a recent exchange of views in The Christian Century as a resource. The lecture will make the central claim that atonement theologies, even short ones of seven words, are, at their very core, stories of God and God’s world.

The Atonement and the Possibilities for Our Life from Fuller Seminary on Vimeo.

The Atonement and the Possibilities for Our Life
Vincent Bacote

Synopsis: After considering how we might “reconcile” competing atonement theories, I will consider how the atonement is good news not only in terms of what Christians believe but also in terms of the journey the Christians may take in living out the implications of God’s great reconciling work. What does reconciliation mean for our personal and public lives? What trajectories of reconciliation can we consider and begin to model for others, especially in light of the lingering challenges of racial/ethnic tension?

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